
Olympiad in Informatics

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"Improvis" Team has been initiating an Olympic programming lessons with the aim to popularize computer science knowledge among young people who are studying in the middle school, to transfer motivation and new ideas for the school's information technology curriculum, to provide those talented students with opportunities for mutual exchange and learning, to train competitive professionals   through competitions and related activities.


Improvis is dedicated to inspiring students to reach further with mathematics and computer science. We’re committed to giving students the tools they need to build their confidence, grow their problem-solving skills and get excited about mathematics and programming.

Here are the goals and objectives of Olympic groups:

  • To stimulate interest in informatics (computing science) and information technology.
  • Bring together exceptionally talented pupils from various regions and  share experience
  • To teach and learn informatics through olympiads and other competitions.
  • To give students an opportunity for trainings and practices
  • Demonstrate the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’  lives
  • Identify the students who show the greatest talent and aptitudes in this field to guide and support them in their future training.
  • Promote better knowledge and understanding of science and technology

At Improvis, we’re passionate about empowering students to become better problem solvers in school, so they can be creative solution finders in the future.